PRF in Facial Esthetics
Announcing the much anticipated book on PRF in Facial Esthetics with Dr. Catherine Davies has now been finalized by Quintessence. This is the first textbook ever produced on the topic solely dedicated on the natural regenerative potential of PRF in facial Esthetics. Use this downtime to educate yourself. Many excellent contributions on topics that relate to PRF. Checkout a few screenshots from the various chapters from many international colleagues!
Many thanks to all the contributing authors including Catherine Davies, Walter Rozen, Alan Bauman, Yufeng Zhang, Ana Paz, Dr. Masako Kobayashi, Erin Anderson, Nichole Kramer, Alireza Panahpour, Ana Cristina, Harvey Shiffman, Miguel Stanley, Geir Havard, Carlos Mourao, Delia Tuttle, Ruth Delli Carpini, and Scott Delboccio
Chapter 1: Introduction to Facial Esthetics and PRF
Chapter 2: Facial Anatomy, Skin Biology, and the Effects of Aging
Chapter 3: Photography in Facial Esthetics
Chapter 4: Consultation for the Facial Esthetic Patient
Chapter 5: Consultation for the Hair Loss Patient
Chapter 6: Use of Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Facial Esthetics
Chapter 7: Biology of Microneedling
Chapter 8: Injection Techniques with Platelet-Rich Fibrin
Chapter 9: Hair Regeneration with Platelet-Rich Fibrin
Chapter 10: Lasers in Facial Esthetics
Chapter 11: Skin Care Products and their Effect on Aging Skin
Chapter 12: Future Trends in Esthetics Medicine