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PRF Course

Follow the Experts California, April 29-30, 2024

Advanced-PRF Education in Facial Aesthetics

2-Day Course in Office - Come Learn the applications of PRF in the field of Facial Esthetics


Course Location:  The course is entirely run in the CARE Esthetics San Francisco/DENTAL STUDIO SF | DENTAL & FACIAL AESTHETICS

260 Stockton St 4th Flr, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA


Recommended Hotel

Grand Hyatt San Francisco

345 Stockton St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States

Phone: +1 415-398-1234

San Francisco Marriott Union Square

480 Sutter St, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States

Phone: +1 415-398-8900


Course Description: 

Owing to the increasing demand for facial esthetic procedures throughout the country, new this year, Dr. Richard Miron and Dr. Jarrod Cornehl invite participants looking to gain access into the realities of their private practice dedicated solely to facial esthetics in San Francisco, CA.

This course, reserved to 8-10 doctors only, will be an ideal  learning experience for those that want advanced training in facial esthetics and learn step-by-step protocols utilized by experts in the field. Participants will be taught how to manipulate platelet rich fibrin (PRF) for various facial indications. The course will cover in detail injection techniques, micro-needling and the latest advancements with respect to Bio-Heat protocols. These advancements extend the working properties of PRF from 2-3 weeks to 4-6 months utilized as a natural Bio-Filler to fill larger facial voids. Learn more at

The course will also cover the combination approaches utilized by these doctors which include laser therapy (Fotona). Participants will observe the combination approaches utilized that include intra-oral-lasering, external laser peels, removal of age spots + moles, followed by PRF injections and micro-needling. These combination approaches are entirely natural and quickly reach desired outcomes when utilized in a combination approach in contrast to multiple sessions being required when utilized alone. The course will also cover local infiltration techniques, as well as important skin care product regimens post therapy.

The course will be held on a Monday and Tuesday within their current working week in their office which will include their fully trained staff. In this way, participants will gain access into the various roles of assistants and receive true live experience into the realities of adding this lucrative business into their personal offices. Discussion over key business aspects, cost of therapy, and marketing aids will be explained. Furthermore, the entire step-by-step protocols utilized in their practice will be provided.

We are extremely pleased to add this new teaching opportunity which will provide doctors a chance to see live cases from within their own practice. Furthermore, the ability for participants to participate/receive treatment from the experts will be available during the Tuesday afternoon session. A minimum of 6 cases will be conducted per day, thereby maximizing learning experience.

Increase your skillset in facial aesthetics within this 2-day course to optimize your comfort levels for private practice!!!

Day 1:

8:30-9:00 Welcome reception, introduction to team members, overview of the clinic and equipment.


9:00-10:00 Lecture

- Background info on Advanced PRF protocols. How to optimize standard liquid injectable PRF (i-PRF) protocols into a more concentrated PRF formulation (C-PRF)

- How to extend the working properties of PRF from 2-3 weeks to 4-6 months (e-PRF)

- Overview of the Fotona Lightwalker laser therapy. Discussion over protocols and settings utilized in the facial esthetic practice.


10:00-12:30 Live Treatments!


12:30-1:30 Lunch


1:30-5:00 More Live Treatments!


Day 2

8:30-9:30 Business aspects related to the facial esthetics practice. How to market, what to charge, introduction to CARE Esthetics


9:30-12:30 Live treatments!


12:30-1:30 Lunch


1:30 to 5:00 Live treatments. Opportunity to receive individualized therapy

Follow the Experts California, April 29-30, 2024

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