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Have you attended PRFEDU's Facial Esthetics Course?

Advanced PRF Education

Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) has been widely utilized in regenerative medicine and dentistry primarily owing to its ability to favor wound healing, while facial esthetics has become one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Advanced PRF Education introduces the use of PRF the field of facial esthetics along with its exciting opportunities. We provide solid, evidenced-based procedures with minimal potential complications. Hear why more and more clinicians recommend biggest and most popular advanced course in Facial Esthetics!

Learn from a combined group of leading doctors in the field including Dr. Catherine Davies (Course Supervisor), Dr. Richard J Miron (PRF Expert), Dr. David Koski (Injector and Laser Expert), Dr. Jarrod Cornehl (Advanced Injection Specialist), Dr. Julio Hernandez (Advanced Injection Specialist), Dr. Beth Love (Advanced Lip Injector), Dr. Ana Cristina (Advanced Combination Therapies), Dr. Ana Paz (Photobiomodulation), Dr. Alireza Panahpour (Lip Injector), Dr. Mena Bedir (Laser Expert), Cindy Herbert (Micro-needling Expert), Geir Harvard (CEO of Cuvget, Facial Cream Expert), Walt Rozier (Photography Expert), Nicolette F. (Office Manager, CARE Esthetics Jupiter), Michelle O. (Microneedling Expert), Lauren T. (Microneedling Expert), Jeannie P. (Phlebotomist).

Come check out why so many people are adding this lucrative business to their dental and medical practices!


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