PRF and Phlebotomy Training at the Comfort of Your Own Office
Due to the need to rapidly begin centrifugation following blood draw, phlebotomy becomes an essential component for the production of PRF. Because no anticoagulants are utilized, centrifugation typically must be carried out within 60 to 90 seconds. Therefore, office staff must be well equipped and prepared to perform the act of phlebotomy.

Many of you have met stellar phlebotomist Marvin!! If you haven't yet, you are missing out!
Marvin Garrido is Dr. Richard Miron's lead phlebotomist and performs over 1000 blood draws on a yearly basis in one of the busiest practices in North America. He also happens to be a certified phlebotomy instructor and attends each of Dr. Miron's sold out courses at His training, clinical tips and pearls are invaluable!
Marvin is now offering his services in your own office. Instead of battling with daily PRF draws, unknown reasons why clotting is not occurring/solidifying too fast and procedural protocols, have Marvin come directly to your office for 1 full day of training with 8 CE Credits. Line up patients, do in office procedures and have Marvin there to assist your staff with all concepts related to PRF.
Learn how to perform the act of phlebotomy
Learn to make sticky bone
Learn to make liquid PRF and Bio-Fillers including micro-needling with PRF and various application in facial esthetics.
One day with Marvin might be just what your practice needs to get the ball rolling smoothly!!